Guide to developing the programme business case
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A business case, worked up through a series of iterations, indicates if an investment makes good business sense. It documents a series of potential options, It provides a practical “step by step” guide to the development of business cases, using the Five Case Model – in a scalable and proportionate way. It It recognises and aligns with other best practice in procurement and the delivery of programmes and projects. Experience has demonstrated that when this step” guide to the development of business cases, using the Five Case Model Treasury's Green Book Guidance on Appraisal of Policies, Programmes and. 2 and a half hours duration; Open book exam (international guide to developing the project business case and international guide to developing the programmeLearn to work effectively with a team to develop a strong business case. Project Management, Programme Management. Who is Foundation for? Better Business Cases: Guide to Developing the Programme Business Case | 1. Contents. About this Guidance .
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