Surge sp11 vacuum pump manual
Repair Parts for SURGE® SP11 Vacuum Pumps · (1/2 HP) - 5.0 CFM - 440 RPM - 12 inch pump pulley - 3.25 inch Motor pulley - 1/2 hp motor - 1 quart oil capacity · (3 SP11 Vacuum Pump Specs: 5.0 CFM – 440 RPM – 12 inch pump pulley – 3.25 inch Hamby Dairy Supply – Hamby's is listed under Surge SP11/BB Repair Parts). Do I use regular vacuum pump oil in an sp11 surge? I also have a complete parts breakdown/ manual for the sp pumps,I don't have a manual, but they don't really need one - super easy to remove, clean, and put back together. I have this style pump - if you NEW This Surge stainless steel Piston and Pin for the SP11 vacuum pump, is 2 7/16" high with a 3 1/4" outside diameter. The pin has a 1/2" outside diameter. Home / Milking Equipment / Vacuum Pumps & Components / Pump Repair Parts / Westfalia & Surge Sort by Price Low->High Price High->Low Title A->Z Title Z->A Item
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